What are the Ministry of Labour Rules Regarding Benefit Plans?

Benefit plans provide important protection to employers and their employees. Health coverage keeps workers healthy and maximizes the productivity of the entire organization. Absenteeism and costs related to surgery or medications quickly add up and can lead to financial pressures for employees and increased costs to their employers. Providing the…
Is your Start-Up Company Growing Enough to Warrant Employee Health Coverage?

Start-ups are a large part of what drives today’s economy. As entrepreneurs decide to start new and innovative businesses, the way they handle employee benefits can vary depending on a number of factors. Start-ups that have limited financial resources are often unable to provide the same benefits as larger and…
How can Business Manage Drug Expenditures?

The cost of providing health coverage to employees is an important factor in running a successful business. In order to maximize your returns and reduce costs, you need to manage the expenditures related to keeping employees healthy. The cost of drugs make up a significant portion of these expenditures, so…
Encouraging a Healthy Work Environment

A healthy work environment is a productive one. Employees who work in a healthy workplace are less likely to experience illness, injury, and the loss of work days. Employers have many options when it comes to encouraging a healthy work environment. Implementing just a few key strategies leads to greater…